Author, Andrew Gibson
Last updated in February 2025
Below you will find out the highs, lows & averages of the Pound to US Dollar rate, why you should be wary of forecasts, and how to get a better rate.
The Highest GBP to USD rate ever
The Pound to Dollar rate reached a high of $2.649 on 6th Mar 1972.
That remains the strongest the Pound has been against USD since it freely floated in 1971.
Before the 1970s, the Pound to Dollar rate was fixed at a level set by the British government.
In the last 10 years, the highest Pound to Dollar rate was $1.5884.
The Lowest GBP to USD rate ever
The Pound to Dollar rate reached an all-time low of $1.054 on 25th Feb 1985.
The fall in the rate was more a function of US Dollar strength than British Pound weakness.
A doubling in the oil price led to high inflation in the 1980s. To combat inflation, the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates above 20%. This led to huge international capital inflows into the US and a surge in the value of the Dollar.
In the last 10 years, the lowest Pound to Dollar rate was $1.0745.
Average GBP to USD rates
Averages can be a good way of telling if the current GBP to USD exchange rate is good or bad.
The Pound to Dollar rate has averaged $1.28 over the past 5 years.
The Pound to Dollar rate has averaged $1.32 over the past 10 years.
Based on current levels, the GBP to USD rate is below average – bad for buyers (sell Pounds, buy USD), but good for sellers (sell USD, buy Pounds).
Is GBP stronger than USD?
In basic terms, £1 is worth more than $1.
So at face value, you could say the British Pound is stronger than the US Dollar.
However, the value of one currency compared to another is not a true indicator of strength, wealth, or power.
A better way to measure a currency’s strength is through its relative movement over time.
Over the past 50 years, the Pound has halved in value against the US Dollar.
Pound to Dollar Historical chart (last 50 years explained)
Pound to Dollar History in a nutshell
How did Brexit affect the GBP to USD?
The British Pound fell 13% against the US Dollar in the two weeks following the Brexit referendum.
The Pound fell in value as Brexit created uncertainty in the UK for trade, emigration and the legal system going forward.
How did Coronavirus impact GBP to USD?
The GBP to USD exchange rate fell 12% within the space of two weeks in March 2020.
Investors sold the Pound in favour of the perceived safety of the US Dollar.
Why most GBP to USD exchange rates you see are often ‘fake’?
It’s easy to get a GBP to USD exchange rate off the internet these days.
There are also dozens of websites such as XE, FX Street, Oanda, and Daily FX, that provide ‘live exchange rates’.
But here’s the problem…
The GBP/USD rates you see online are something called ‘interbank rates’. They are not customer rates.
Interbank rates are used by banks to exchange currencies with other banks.
So unless you’re a bank, the rates you see online do not apply to you.
This important fact is normally hidden away in a disclaimer (look for small writing).
I’ve also found a lot of the online comparison sites aren’t showing real rates either.
They get paid for the ‘click’, so seem to be displaying teaser rates that are once again not achievable once you go through all the hassle of signing up.
When it comes to exchanging money in the real world, customers are often misled.
My point is if you are looking to convert Pounds into US Dollars, it’s best to request a quote from a bank or currency broker.
That way, you can budget effectively and avoid being deceived.
Can you trust GBP to USD forecasts? (Hint: No)
Let’s be honest; we all want to know what the future holds.
It’s human nature.
When it comes to exchange rates, it’s no different.
We don’t want to exchange our money at the wrong time, because a bad exchange rate could cost you a lot of money.
A word of warning: just because a forecast is on the internet, it doesn’t mean you can rely on it.
I work in the industry, and I can tell you that in most instances, exchange rate forecasts are a load of rubbish.
Don’t be fooled by baffling terminology or complicated jargon.
A forecast is always just one person’s opinion.
And you can always find an expert to argue either side.
The more precise a Pound to Dollar forecast, the less I would trust it.
There are, of course, trends and price patterns in all financial markets.
And yes, they can be turned to your advantage.
Getting the best GBP to USD rate
Timing matters when it comes to exchange rates.
You can see from the GBP to USD chart that exchange rates frequently can have large swings.
These swings can make a big financial difference to you.
No matter what your timeframe – a day, a week, a month, or a year – there will always be highs, lows, and turning points.
As a currency broker, we work with our clients to achieve a more favourable exchange rate.
Most people can’t watch the rate all day.
As many people are unfamiliar with foreign exchange, they may not be confident picking the right time to exchange their money.
One advantage of speaking to a currency broker is that they can monitor the GBP/USD rate for you.
It may be that you are targeting a specific rate.
Or you may just want to know when the market moves in your favour.
Unless you are glued to the screens, you can very easily miss the best opportunities.
Please note – banks and most money transfer companies don’t help their customers with their transfers.
They will facilitate your payment, and that’s about it.
You’re left to do the rest.
I know from experience, many people are not comfortable using an app or online system.
It adds stress to the situation.
By understanding your requirements, we can work with you to achieve a better rate, rather than using a bank or online platform and having to accept whatever rate they give you on the day.
For more information about getting the best exchange rate possible, for travel or an international money transfer, click through to our dedicated guidance!
Who are we?
Key Currency is one of the UK’s leading currency brokers.
As an independent currency specialist, we have far lower overheads than the banks, enabling us to pass on the savings to you.
Our exchange rates are highly competitive and we charge no fees whatsoever.
And unlike banks and online-only systems, we don’t make you do everything yourself.
We offer all our customers personal assistance with their Pounds to Dollars transfers and can offer guidance on exchange rates and timing.
It makes the whole process a lot easier for our customers.
We have attained a 5-star “Excellent” rating on the customer review website Trustpilot; the highest rating available.
The protection and security of funds is our top priority. Key Currency is an FCA-regulated Authorised Payment Institution (No. 753989), and as such, all money transfers are conducted through safeguarded client accounts.
If you would like to compare our rates to your bank or existing provider, please request a quote below.